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Berthoud Town Board 5/23/2023

Meeting Summary

The Town of Berthoud is governed by a seven-member Board. The Mayor and Trustees are the policy makers elected to represent the community and to concentrate on policy issues that are responsive to the needs and wishes of the community. The Town of Berthoud is committed to transparent, collegial, ethical local government, and has adopted the "Town of Berthoud Code of Conduct for Elected Officials, Boards and Commissions" to provide guidance assisting Public Servants in the performance of their duties in a manner that serves the public interest and honors public trust.

After Mayor, William Karspeck, proclaimed May 2023 Mental Health month, the town board held a Public Hearing to approve or deny two requests:

  1. The Bader Farm PUD Amendment allows the fire protection district to have a facility on lot 2 of the site.

  2. The Bader Farm Conditional Use Permit for lot 1, approval of a 3-story indoor commercial storage facility.

The Bader Farm request is a parcel of vacant land at the corner of Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway in the town of Berthoud. Lauren Richardson with BCM Management Partners, LLC, presented on behalf of the Bader Farm PUD Amendment and the Bader Farm Conditional Use Permit.

Meeting Notes The Town of Berthoud is governed by a seven-member Board. The Mayor and Trustees are the policy makers elected to represent the community and to concentrate on policy issues that are responsive to the needs and wishes of the community. The Town of Berthoud is committed to transparent, collegial, ethical local government, and has adopted the "Town of Berthoud Code of Conduct for Elected Officials, Boards and Commissions" to provide guidance assisting Public Servants in the performance of their duties in a manner which serves the public interest and honors public trust. Summary: After Mayor, William Karspeck, proclaimed May 2023 Mental Health month, the town board held a Public Hearing to approve or deny two requests:

  1. The Bader Farm PUD Amendment allows the fire protection district to have a facility on lot 2 of the site.

  2. The Bader Farm Conditional Use Permit for lot 1, approval of a 3-story indoor commercial storage facility.

The Bader Farm request is a parcel of vacant land at the corner of Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway in the town of Berthoud. Lauren Richardson with BCM Management Partners, LLC, presented on behalf of the Bader Farm PUD Amendment and the Bader Farm Conditional Use Permit. Notes: Bader Farm PUD Amendment: In 2007 the parcel was purchased and approved for commercial use. This hearing is to approve or deny adding a public facility for fire protection and EMS (Emergency Medical Services). Adding this facility will not change the zoning code or the initial commercial plan for the land. Berthoud Public Works and the Planning Commission has reviewed and approved the amendment.

Bader Farm Conditional Use Permit for lot 1: Lot 1 will have an indoor, temperature controlled commercial use storage facility. The building will be a 3-story, approximately 83,000 square feet building, with inside parking to access storage units. The conditional permit has seven (7) criteria:

  1. Satisfy zoning code & regulations.

  2. Conform to 3-story facility and scale.

  3. Be adequately served by public utilities and access.

  4. Not impair redevelopment in the area.

  5. No adverse effect on traffic.

  6. No negative impacts on the neighborhood.

  7. All applicable permits will be done by local, county, and state agencies.

The site meets all the criteria and Lauren made a motion for approval. The manager for the landowner gave a few facts about the land:

  1. The parcel is not desirable: there are power lines overhead.

  2. Couldn’t pass a traffic study: this area needs to have low traffic impact.

  3. The Fire District wanted a portion of the land to add another district in the northwest area.

  4. The storage developer is a good one. He donated the land to the Fire District.

  5. This Fire District will be close to a golf course and new resident community.

  6. Low crime concern - The storage facility is modern with state-of-the-art security, a lot of cameras and keypad entry.

  7. Traffic concerns – storage buildings generate less traffic than other commercial businesses.

Board Comments: Several board members are concerned about the height of the facility and parking. Beau Rhineburg, site developer, responded that the building will sit lower into a ground slope making it less noticeable, and parking is minimal because vehicles will go inside the facility to pick up or drop off into their storage units. There were no public comments. The town board voted on Motion 1 – Bader Farm PUD Amendment to allow Fire District on parcel: Yes – 6 No – 0 The town board voted on Motion 2 – Bader Farm Conditional Use Permit for storage facility: Yes – 6 No – 0 The board spent a lot of time discussing landscape design guidelines for the town of Berthoud, also known as the ‘Garden Spot of Colorado’. The board wants to determine what Berthoud landscapes should look like and issue the guidelines in conjunction with future codes and developer site plans. The board focused on:

  1. Water

  2. Maintenance responsibilities

  3. Plan selections and presentations

  4. Master plant list

The guideline updates and revisions would cover:

  1. For new development only

  2. Include seasonal color ideas.

  3. Offer fun facts about the town.

  4. Give fire wise and water saving tips.

  5. Add a hotlink on the town website.

  6. Have a prohibited list.

The discussion included using xeriscapes, possible HOA and Metro District requirements, whether or not to allow rock and gravel, turf grass, and many other allowable plants and visuals. Eventually the board decided to table the guide until the Tree Advisory Board could review the guideline draft and offer their expert opinions. Vote to Table: Yes – 6 No - 0 Christian Samora, Town Clerk: there will be no meeting June 27th due to a conference for board members. The meeting adjourned at 9:45PM Follow-up Questions: None

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