Observer name: Diana L. DwyerMay 9, 2023, 7p.m.
There is pressure from developers and opposition by some citizens to expand the growth of Estes Park through rezoning areas. More businesses are applying for liquor licenses and there was a discussion of whether this has caused an increase of alcohol related incidents. There is no limit on the number of liquor licenses that a town in Colorado can issue.
Members Present:
Wendy Koenig, Mayor
Marie Cenac, Trustee
Kirby Hazelton, Trustee
Barbara MacAlpine, Trustee
Patrick Martchink, Trustee
Cindy Younglund, Trustee
Vacant Trustee positon
Members Absent: Travis Machalek, Town Administrator
Others present:
Jason Damweber, Deputy Town Administrator
Dan Kramer, Town Attorney
Kimberley Disney, Recording Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Approval:
It was moved and seconded to approve the Agenda. Action item #1 will follow the Consent Agenda.
Public Comments:
Kristine Poppitz (citizen) spoke regarding a concern with an issue in Community Development Department about the Preserve Estes Park (PEP) group and the opposition to a rezoning request currently under review. She requested a public apology regarding comments made by several department employees towards members of PEP and others opposed to the rezoning.
Trustee Comments:
Two Mayoral proclamations were recently presented honoring Retiring Estes Park Economic Development Corporation (EDC) CEO Adam Shake and the 50th anniversary of the Estes Park Chorale
Hazardous Battery Drop Off event received 820lbs of batteries
Trustee Talk discussion on the Fish Hatchery project
Estes Park Board of Adjustment heard three variance requests, denied one of them
Rooftop Rodeo Committee needs volunteers for upcoming Rodeo, July 5 - 10, 2023
Visit Estes Park Board of Directors met on April 27, 2023 and discussed annual report
Larimer County Regional Opioid Abatement Council will begin meeting on the last Thursday of each month.
Family Advisory Board held their final meeting and finalized recommendations to the Town Board. They discussed future community meetings to see if there is interest in a citizen group.
Estes Park EDC BASE program held its graduation. The Board of Directors are looking for an interim CEO to replace Adam Shake.
Restorative Justice Board of Directors met to discuss strategic planning. There will be two Living Room Conversation in May on protecting and parenting children, and mental health among youth.
Town Administrator Report:
Town Attorney Kramer provided an update on the failure of SB23-213 to pass in the State Senate.
Deputy Town Clerk Beers graduated from CU Denver with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Service.
Consent Agenda:
Several Bills were passed and the Town Board meeting and Study Session minutes (dated April 25, 2023) were approved:
Transportation Advisory Board Minutes (March 15, 2023) approved
Resolution 46-23 Intergovernmental Agreement for Fiscal Year 2023 Federal Transit Administration 5311 Rural Area Formula Funds to Support Estes Transit with the CO Dept of Transportation – CDOT PO 491003170
Resolution 47-23 Contract for the 2023 Overlay & Patching Program with Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. for $727,741.40 was budgeted.
Resolution 48-23 Contract for 2023 Waste and Recycling Collection Services with Atlas Unlimited LLC dba Superior Trash Company for $159,659.20 was budgeted.
Liquor Items:
Resolution 50-23 Change of Location for a Tavern Liquor License held by Montego Bay Enterprises Inc. DBA the Wapiti Colorado Pub from 247 W. Elkhorn Avenue to 1350 Fall River Road, Estes Park, CO. Approved.
Resolution 51-23 New Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License Application for Montego Bay Enterprises Inc. DBA the Downtown Eatery, 247 W. Elkhorn Ave, Estes Park, CO. Approved.
Resolution 52-23 New Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License Application fo Ole International Kitchen LLC DBA Ole International Kitchen, 145 E. Elkhorn Ave, Unit 300-304, Estes Park, CO. Approved.
The Board discussed the increase in liquor license application in 2023, liquor license limitations in the Town, and the number of liquor related citations. It was determined that staff would provide updates to the board throughout the year regarding liquor licensing.
Action Items:
Trustee Vacancy: The Board approved the appointment of Frank Lancaster to the Board of Trustees to fill the vacancy through the next regular Municipal Election on April 2, 2024.
Ordinance 05-23 Amending Title 10 of the Estes Park Municipal Code including the Resident Exemption for Paid Parking. The amendment extends the daily time limit for the Local Parking Permit from 60 to 120 minutes. The Board approved the amendment.
Mayor Koenig adjourned the meeting at 8:34p.m.