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Health District of Northern Larimer County 10/24/2023

Health District of Northern Larimer County 10/24/2023

Mission Statement

The Health District of Northern Larimer County is a public agency that has been meeting local healthcare needs since 1960. Today we provide residents of northern Larimer County with dental, behavioral, and preventive health services, in addition to connecting people to more affordable health insurance and prescription options.

Observer: Beth Thurston, in person


Molly Gutilla, MS DrPH, Board President

Joseph Prows, MD MPH, Treasurer

Erin Hottenstein, Assistant Treasurer

John McKay, Secretary

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Julie Kunce Fields, JD Board Vice President

ALSO PRESENT: Celeste Holder Kling, Liaison to Poudre Valley Hospital System/UC Health North


Liane Jollon, Executive Director

Lorraine Haywood, Deputy Director

Laura Mai Finance Director

Colton Frady, Assistant Finance Director

Chris Roth, IT manager

Paul Mayer, Medical Director

Alyson Williams, PPRE Director

Dana Turner, Health Services Director

Lauren Jones, Executive Assistant


Quit Tobacco program focus moves to inpatient only.

The health district is changing the focus of the Quit Tobacco program to a PVH (UC health) in-patient bedside program. This decision was made after PVH piloted a bedside intervention project. The result was a good success rate and lots of support for the district’s inpatient program. Community outreach for the tobacco cessation program of the Health District will cease. Instead, people seeking this help will be referred to the Colorado Quitline for support. This will be a cost savings for the Health District and will avoid duplication of services that are offered through the state. This ongoing change will result in about $43,000 in savings in the 2024 budget.

  • The Colorado Quitline will continue to be available for out-patient assistance for tobacco product cessation at this webpage: This is state funded and provides 3 months of nicotine replacement treatment with on-line, in-person, or video chat support. They utilize the Mayo clinic program for smoking cessation and support. They have a 27.8% quit rate at 30 days.

Chantix (a medication to block nicotine receptors) can be prescribed by the state quitline. Colorado is in the top 5 in the country for tobacco cessation success through the Quitline.

The Colorado Quitline will continue to receive outpatient referrals. This state-funded program provides 3 months of nicotine replacement treatment with online, in-person, or video chat support. The Quitline utilizes the Mayo clinic program for smoking cessation and support. It has a 27.8% quit rate at 30 days. Chantix (a medication to block the nicotine receptor) can be prescribed by the state quit line. Colorado is in the top 5 in the country for tobacco cessation success through the quit line.

Prop HH may delay the Health District budget.

The health district has a plan if HH is passed to get the budget approved within the required timelines.

Questions to Consider

  • Will the retraction of the Health District’s offerings for those attempting to quit nicotine addiction reduce the success of Larimer County residents’ quit rate?

  • How will the District reassign the $43,000 budget savings?

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