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Wellington Planning Commission 9/11/23 by Nanci Wendland

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

From the Wellington Planning Commission website: “The Town of Wellington Planning Commission is responsible for developing, adopting, and implementing the Comprehensive Plan to address community development and growth. This includes creating zoning regulations, land use policies, and other guidelines that help shape the community's physical and economic landscape.”

Meeting Summary:

This was a quick meeting to discuss the final plat approval for the Saddleback Subdivision in Wellington east of I-25 originally presented to the Planning Commission at the June 12, 2023, meeting. The Wellington Board of Trustees approved the plat plan in August 2023 with modifications. Planning Director Bird presented the final modifications made by SH Holding of Colorado LLC, applicant, and the final plat was approved 5-0.

Modifications included a rezone from R2 to R3; lot sizes changed from large 19,000’ ft to 6600’ ft with a total 153 lots to new 205 lots total; and the developer will offer three (3) options for front yard xeriscaping to be installed by the builders. These modifications are all about saving water. The original larger lots would have incurred huge water bills along with potentially excessive water usage, which the town of Wellington is struggling to provide.

Next Meeting: Monday, October 2, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m., Leeper Center, 3800 Wilson Avenue, Wellington, CO

​Agency Website:

Date & Meeting Time:

Sept. 11, 2023; 6:30 p.m. to 7:07 p.m.

Members Present:

Eric Sartor, Chair; Linda Knaack, Vice Chair; Lisa Chollet; Bert McCaffrey; Tim Whitehouse

Members Absent:

Lowrey Moyer; Stephen Carman

Others Present to Note:

Cody Bird, Planning Director; Daren Roberson of SH Holding of Colorado, LLC, applicant.

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