by Nanci Wendland
Meeting Summary
The Windsor Town Board is very efficient and well organized. The Consent Calendar items with four (4) Ordinances was approved immediately, no discussion or questions needed. There were four (4) Board Action items each with a presentation by one of the town staff members. A final major subdivision request, Poudre Heights; a Master Plan Amendment for the Tacincala project; an Ordinance request for Annexation; and an Ordinance to Waive certain Development Fees. The board listened carefully and attentively with minimal questions. These are projects that have already been before the board so everyone on the board was familiar with the sites and requests.
The Windsor Police Commander Lopez announced a reminder that the downtown speed limit has changed to only 25mph and said the police will be out in full force to make sure everyone passing through downtown obeys the new limit. Two German Shepherds were sworn in as Windsor’s newest police dogs: Zuma and Zaros.
Full Meeting Notes:
There were no initial public comments.
A Public Hearing on Resolution No. 2023-33 for the Final Poudre Heights Subdivision final application for the replat to add townhomes. The Plat was initially approved in 2003 for single-family homes. In 2014 the Master Plan rezone was approved to RMU (Residential Multi-Use) so townhomes could be added to this subdivision. In 2019 the design for 127 Townhomes and 266 Single Family Homes was approved. Then in 2021, Meritage Homes purchased the project without any townhome products.
Kimberly Lambrecht, Senior Planner introduced Chelsey Green with Meritage Homes of Colorado, Inc. who presented the new layout and design plans for the additional townhomes: 1400-1800’ft, 2-story with Prairie Modern exterior design. The units have been condensed from the original builder’s design allowing more open space for parks and trail systems. The perimeters will include trees, shrubs, benches to sit on and additional streetlights.
Public Comment from Jim Leach, nearby resident. He wanted to know when the traffic pattern would be looked at and decided on for the N. 7th Street entrance. Would it be a traffic signal or circle? Mr. Bracke, Transportation Engineer, said it will be studied in September after the children are back in school, and it will probably be a traffic signal.
Resolution No. 2023-33 Approving the Poudre Heights Final Application was passed.
Yes – 6 No – 0
A Public Hearing on Resolution No. 2023-24 to Amend the Tacincala Master Plan. David Eisenbraun, Senior Planner gave the presentation. The Tacincala site is approximately 108 acres off WCR 70 in Unincorporated Weld County. The Mix-use and Recreation Open Space will be used a Police HQ – 15 acres; New Middle School – 39 acres; and a Park – 54 acres.
There were no board questions or public comments.
Resolution No. 2023-34 passed: Yes – 6 No – 0
Ordinance No. 2023-1678 Annexing Certain Real Property Pursuant to the Powers Granted to Municipalities Under Colorado Revised Statues Section 31-12-106 with respect to the Annexation of Enclaves and Municipally Owned Lands and Designating Such Property as the “Beethe Annexation to the Town of Windsor”. Scott Ballstadt, Director of Planning gave the presentation to the board.
A residential estate in unincorporated Weld County that currently sits on the Tacincala site will be annexed into the Town of Windsor. The estate has already been a part of the town.
There were no questions or public comments.
Ordinance No. 2023-1678 passed: Yes – 6 No – 0
Resolution No. 2023-35 to Ratify the Waiver of Certain Development Related Fees Concerning Peakview and Raindance Elementary Schools. Scott Ballstadt, Director of Planning, lead the discussion.
The public pays a tax for these two affected schools, so the city wants to waive the additional development fees normally charged to the community. This would double-tax the residents. This Resolution only applies to the two schools listed above. However, the city is reviewing other similar situations and will present a different Resolution to the board if needed.
Julie Cline, Board member wondered if the public understands the fees are being waived because the public is paying a tax instead. The city is not just waiving certain fees for certain projects or people.
Resolution 2023-35 passed: Yes – 6 No – 0
Windsor Police Commander Aaron Lopez reminded everyone that the downtown speed limit changed to 25mph, and the police force will be out enforcing the new limit.
The Board Adjourned to Executive Session to discuss the Colorado Revised Statutes 24-6-402 (4)(e)(1) for the Purpose of determining Positions Relative to Matters that may be Subject to Negotiations; Developing a Strategy for Negotiations; and Instructing Negotiators with Respect to Certain Economic Development Incentives. Terry Schwindler, Business Development Specialist, will lead the session.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:36PM.
Follow-up Questions:
What are the results, if any, from the Executive Session?
How many tickets were issued between July 13 and July 18 in downtown Windsor due to the new speed limit of only 25mph?