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Wellington Planning Commission 10/02/23

By Nanci Wendland

From the Wellington Planning Commission website: “The Town of Wellington Planning Commission is responsible for developing, adopting, and implementing the Comprehensive Plan to address community development and growth. This includes creating zoning regulations, land use policies, and other guidelines that help shape the community's physical and economic landscape.”

Meeting Summary:

This was a quick meeting. Twila Henry-Soles of Soles ^2 LLC was scheduled to present her revised site plan for a special event/community center on First Street in Wellington called The Well. Applicant Soles submitted her original site plan at the August 7, 2023, meeting. The Planning Commission had questions and conditions and offered a continuance to the Oct 2 meeting. Instead of presenting a new plan, Applicant Soles again requested a continuance until the December 4, 2023, meeting so she could prepare a better plan. The commission voted unanimously to grant her continuance until Dec. 4th.

There was no new business to discuss. Planning Director Bird gave the Commissioners a spreadsheet listing commercial building permits and lots. The commissioners will review and offer suggestions on how they want to see annual commercial data presented. The meeting adjourned a few minutes before 7 p.m.

Next Meeting: Monday, November 6, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m., Leeper Center, 3800 Wilson Avenue, Wellington, CO

​Agency Website:

Date & Meeting Time:

November 6, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m.

Members Present:

Eric Sartor, Chair; Linda Knaack, Vice Chair; Lisa Chollet; Bert McCaffrey; Tim Whitehouse, Lowrey Moyer; Stephen Carman

Members Absent:


Others Present to Note:

Cody Bird, Planning Director; Patty Lundy, Planning Analyst; Paul Whalen, Planner III; Twila Henry-Soles, Soles^2 LLC.

*Citizen Observers further the commitment of the League of Women Voters to its principle of Citizens Right to Know, however, we are not acting as journalists. Omissions and errors are possible. It is assumed that users of this information are responsible for their own fact-checking. This could include contacting a government clerk, conversing with an elected official or staff, and/or asking us to speak to the Observer who attended.

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